Simply Smart Living

Fave! Strahl Unbreakable Plastic Drinkware

strahl unbreakable plastic tumblers and drinkware

Strahl plastic glassware is a Top Tableware Fave in my book for style, quality and durability. I know the line very well since we stocked and sold it for over 15 years, plus I’ve used it in my own home even longer than that.

Strahl is sold directly through Amazon so we no longer stock it, but I still highly recommend it. Here are my Top Faves from Strahl. For more details and care tips,  scroll down to see my full Strahl Tableware Review.

See Amazon’s Full Selection of Strahl Plastic Drinkware

Review — Strahl Unbreakable Plastic Drinkware:

Strahl (made by Click Clack) has been the high-end plastic drinkware leader for over 20 years. These plastic glasses offer crystal-like clarity that mimics the look of fine glass, and the very best hand-polished finish on the market today. Of course, that comes at a price, making Strahl plastic tumblers and wine glasses the priciest on the market, too. But it has a huge customer following because it really delivers in key areas:

Things to know about Strahl plastic glassware before you buy:

For all of Strahl “Pros” there is one “Con,” though it’s not a big deal for most people.  Over the 15+ years that we sold this line, we had a few customers report cracking in tumbler bases – and all of these customers had high-end brand dishwashers. We did a little research and discovered that high-end and some Energy-star dishwashers can reach really high temperatures – up to 180 degrees-F, which is way too hot for any tableware plastic!

Happily, it’s an easy fix. As long as you use a lower heat setting in Energy-star dishwashers (that heat the water), you should not have issues with cracking in Strahl, or in any other dishwasher-safe plastic tableware.

BPA & Strahl:

Strahl plastic drinkware is not BPA-free. Strahl is made of polycarbonate which is still the preferred plastic for all levels of foodservice for its unmatched durability. Polycarbonate has passed the FDA’s rigorous reviews for foodservice use.

See more information on plastic tableware and BPA.

Best Places to Buy Strahl Plastic Drinkware:

Strahl is now sold direct from the factory on Amazon and we’ve found they have consistently the best availability and prices online. Locally, boat supply stores and specialty kitchen stores sometimes carry a limited number of Strahl products. Online is generally the best place to find Strahl drinkware.

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