3 Super-Easy Super Bowl Party Menu Ideas

The last place any Superbowl party host wants to be on game day is stuck in the kitchen wondering about the latest score. Since we host annual Superbowl parties with upwards of 60 guests I have, in the past, found myself stuck in the kitchen doing just that.

But no more!

Now I serve up a game day spread party-bar style. It’s easy to set up in advance and just refill throughout the day – and frees me up to watch the game, visit our game-day backyard bonfire and (gasp!) actually visit with my friends.

For me, the key to a crowd-pleasing Super Bowl party menu is to serve up a main dish that works great alone but also offers a few variations. To make game day serving easy, I pull platters, crock-pots, serving tongs and spoons together a few days beforehand so I’m not searching through cabinets and drawers as guests arrive. I also rely heavily on disposable cups and dishes to make game day as fun and stress-free as possible.

If you’re looking for a few manageable menu ideas for your Superbowl crowd this year, here are three party bar setups that have worked great for me.

Menu 1: Chili Bar with Hot Dogs and Frito Pie Fixins

This is a great menu for big parties because you can make chili a day or two in advance, or have your own chili cook-off potluck and invite guests to show-off their favorite recipe!

Set up your Chili party bar with:

  • A Crock-pot or two of chili
  • A platter of hot dogs (save room and serve them up already in the bun)
  • A big bowl of Fritos
  • A bowl each of chopped onions and shredded cheese
  • And don’t forget the ketchup, mustard and relish

Menu 2: Fajita Bar with and Nacho Fixins

This is another easy make-ahead menu. You can cook up the fajita meat the day before or morning of the game, and reheat and serve in Crock-pots for the party.

Set up your Fajita party bar with:

  • A Crock-pot or two of Beef and Chicken Fajita meat in bite-sized pieces
  • A Crock-pot of queso (melted nacho cheese)
  • A covered dish with tortillas – our microwaveable tortilla warmer works great for this
  • A big bowl of tortilla chips
  • Bowls of shredded cheese and toppers like guacamole, sour cream, salsa and sliced jalapenos
  • Go authentic by adding some grilled onions and green peppers and a dish of pico de gallo

Menu 3: Monster Sandwich Bar

Instead of serving platters of ready-made sandwiches, this menu offers a variety of hot and cold meats and the usual toppers. Add an assortment of breads and sandwich rolls and everyone is happy!

Set up your Monster Sandwich party bar with:

  • A Crock-pot of pre-made meatballs in marinara
  • A platter of popular cold-cuts like ham, turkey and roast beef
  • A platter of cheeses like American, Swiss and provolone
  • A basket or platter with assorted sandwich rolls, buns or sliced breads
  • A veggie platter with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions
  • And don’t forget the mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or other favorite spreads and relishes

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