Childproofing Checklist: Safe Trekking with Toddlers

As any parent knows, taking young children for visits away from their childproofed, kid-friendly home can be stressful – sometimes downright unnerving. New surroundings inspire kids to touch, test and even taste whatever they find. Such curiosity is natural. But for guests and hosts alike, it can make a visit anything but relaxing! You can […]

Safety Checklist: Top Tips for Creating Family-Friendly Homes

Simple changes, from the arrangement of items in a room to choices in homewares, can make a big difference in a home’s safety, ease of care, and even parental sanity! The following tips can help you create a home that’s safe for small children… yet still welcoming to grown-ups.

Childproofing Checklist: Baby Safety “Gotta-Do” Areas

Shop Smart! Print the DIY Childproofing Checklist before you hit the stores. Visited a baby superstore lately? You’ll agree there are ALOT of childproofing products to choose from – and many of them seem to do the same thing, just a bit differently than their counterparts. So what’s a new parent or parent-to-be to do? […]

Childproofing Checklist: Baby Safety Gates 101

Baby safety gates are effective barriers in many areas of the home and come in a variety of designs to meet different needs. Selecting the right gate for your space is key for both safety and livability – and it’s easy to do with a little pre-planning!

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