Faves! 3 Fun Ways to Teach Kids Greener Habits

Green Living… Eco-friendly… Earth-Wise… You really can’t open a magazine, blog or browser these days without hearing about new ways to save the Earth. I must admit, I’m probably not the greenest gal on the block. But I do like to do my part where I can, and it’s surprising how easy it is to incorporate greener […]

Fave! Countertop Composters – An Easy First Step in Cutting Household Waste

I admit I’m not likely to be the greenest gal in the crowd, but I try to do my part. So I’m always thrilled to find products that make “doing my part” easy — and countertop composters do just that. These compact, trashcan-style containers are made to sit on the kitchen countertop so you can easily collect food scraps during meal prep. But […]

Five Easy – Even Effortless – Ways to Reduce Household Waste

As I begin this entry — a look at five easy ways to reduce household waste without even realizing it — I wonder if readers see me as yet another voice preaching an occasional “Go Green” message as the new fashionable “it” thing.

I hope not, and here’s why.

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