Faves! Easy-Clean Pillows for Kid-Friendly Style
As one of the easiest, quickest and least expensive home decorating solutions, throw pillows are a particularly easy way for parents to add a dash of style to busy family rooms without worry.
As one of the easiest, quickest and least expensive home decorating solutions, throw pillows are a particularly easy way for parents to add a dash of style to busy family rooms without worry.
Simple changes, from the arrangement of items in a room to choices in homewares, can make a big difference in a home’s safety, ease of care, and even parental sanity! The following tips can help you create a home that’s safe for small children… yet still welcoming to grown-ups.
Got Ballerinas? Here are some fun little girls dance party table ideas that will make any ballerina-princess spin with glee! We were recently asked by eHow.com to come up with some fun and easy party…
Easy-to-make, inexpensive fabric panel wall art dresses up any area of your home with a pop of color, without the worry of a heavy frame or breakable glass. In this video, we show you how…
What Mom doesn’t want a fresh-smelling house? If you’ve been down the air freshener aisle at the grocery store lately, you’ve seen that air fresheners have come a long way in the past few years…
Armed with a few safety precautions, decorating alternatives, and a dash of creativity, parents can create fun, worry and hazard-free holiday homes for all to enjoy.
From diapers to formula, not to mention all the other “stuff,” parents can quickly find themselves spending a good amount of money on little ones’ needs. With a plan in-hand when you go shopping, you’ll avoid overspending on unnecessary items. Plus, you’ll have the right items and quantities on-hand when you begin to install, saving time and frustration.
Shop Smart! Print the DIY Childproofing Checklist before you hit the stores. Visited a baby superstore lately? You’ll agree there are ALOT of childproofing products to choose from – and many of them seem to…
Baby safety gates are effective barriers in many areas of the home and come in a variety of designs to meet different needs. Selecting the right gate for your space is key for both safety and livability – and it’s easy to do with a little pre-planning!
It’s just common sense — and for parents, common knowledge — that storage needs multiply rapidly when children arrive. So what’s a style-sensitive parent to do? Happily, there are many simple, inexpensive, and best of all – stylish – storage solutions that do everything from protecting valuable items to neatly disguising mounds of toys.