Four Quick Low-Cost Decorating Tips to Perk Up Post-Holiday Homes

You can create a new look, add pizzazz or a make decorative statement on even the tiniest budget. Just add your own creativity to some helpful tips from a few innovative decorators. Here are some great ways to make the most of shoestring-budget decorating projects.

Summer Fun Strategies for Working Parents

Managing busy summertime work and play schedules can be hectic — sometimes downright stressful — for even the most organized among us. How will you – successful, busy work-at-home Mom or Dad – get your work done and still be a great parent?

Storage Strategies for Busy Family Homes

It’s just common sense — and for parents, common knowledge — that storage needs multiply rapidly when children arrive. So what’s a style-sensitive parent to do? Happily, there are many simple, inexpensive, and best of all – stylish – storage solutions that do everything from protecting valuable items to neatly disguising mounds of toys.

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