Faves! 3 Fun Ways to Teach Kids Greener Habits

Green Living… Eco-friendly… Earth-Wise… You really can’t open a magazine, blog or browser these days without hearing about new ways to save the Earth.

I must admit, I’m probably not the greenest gal on the block. But I do like to do my part where I can, and it’s surprising how easy it is to incorporate greener alternatives into everyday living. In fact, green living activities can be fun to do together with kids – and they may even learn a thing or two!

Here are 3 ideas to get you started…

Go-Green Tip 1: Compost!

Turn kitchen trash into gardening treasure by starting a small compost container this summer. It’s a great learning tool for science-minded kids and just plain fun for those inspired by “gross” things. You just need a mid-sized container with a lid, a trash can or hamper will get you started, and a small corner of the yard or patio. A countertop composter is a good tool for tidy collection inside, too.

Go-Green Tip 2: Mix Up Some Home-Made Cleaners

Kids are always game for mixing up concoctions… so how about a few useful green cleaning blends made from ingredients you already have in the kitchen? Household ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and a squeeze of lemon into effective cleaners. Heck, the kids might have so much fun mixing up cleaners that you might get lucky and they’ll actually use them. One can hope!

Go-Green Tip 3: Use Recycling to Make a Clean Sweep

Recycling isn’t all about collecting milk jugs and newspapers. Encourage kids to “think outside the recycling bin” by sorting through outgrown clothing and unused toys and games. Recycle these through hand-me-downs, resale shops, garage sales or donations. Ok, I know, this is really a ploy to get them interested in cleaning out closets and drawers, but if it works… voila! Clean rooms.

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