A few weeks ago I posted this DIY decorating video for Fabric Panel Wall Art, an easy and eye-catching wall hanging project. As I say in the video, I think it’s the perfect glass-free option for dressing up walls just about anywhere in a busy home, but especially in those high-traffic spots like… oh, let’s say the the bottom of the stairs.

And, wouldn’t you know it? This morning proved my theory correct! I did in fact hang that panel on my stairway landing — in the very spot my husband bounced off when he stumbled down the bottom two steps this morning!!!

He’s fine… a little sore on his shoulder – but can you imagine the mess and potential for injury if I had a framed, glass-covered picture there instead?!? The fabric panel just popped off and slid to the floor — no harm done!

SO… if you have a blank wall that you’d like to perk up SAFELY… here’s the video again:

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